Curriculum 2023 - 2024
| Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr 1 | Spr 2 | Sum 1 | Sum 2 |
Year 1 | My Family and Me | Marvellous materials | Fire Fire! | Street Detectives | Animals and Humans | Plants, flowers and trees |
Year 2 | Bright Lights, Big City | Fighting Fit | Explorers | What can you grow? | From Ants to Zebras | Buckets and Spades |
We have organised our curriculum carefully and with consideration to key skills and knowledge building on from the Early Years Foundation stage and from Year 1 mapping on to Year 2.
At Light Oaks Infant School we have a relevant and engaging curriculum that is broad and balanced and develops the following core skills:
We teach English, maths, reading and phonics skills as discrete, individual subjects, in addition to RE (the school follows the Salford Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education), PE, PSHE and Forest School (in certain year groups.)
The school fulfils the legal requirements of the National Curriculum by teaching the following:
EYFS Foundation Stage
National Curriculum 2014
In addition our school also provides Health Education and promotes Equal Opportunities, Citizenship and Multi-Cultural education and philosophy for children through the curriculum. Personal and Social Education are developed in all pupils.
All classes are of mixed ability, they are organised into classes according to their year of birth. Children are taught, by their own class teacher, but there are times when a number of classes are combined into ability groups to teach specific aspects of the curriculum – particularly in Phonics.
Teaching is generally in separate subject areas but subjects may also be taught as part of a topic that will be studied for a period of time. Teachers use a variety of teaching methods to deliver the curriculum – whole class, group or individual work as appropriate. Care is taken to ensure that work is provided for children and challenge tasks given as appropriate.
Where can I go for further information?
The most important place to find out more is your child’s class teacher and please do ask as many questions as you need to. Our staff really do welcome speaking with you.