We now have access to an online Reading Program called Bug Club, which is a Pearson's online reading scheme.
Each week the teachers will ensure there are plenty of books for your child to read online.
Some books will be more challenging than others and each book has an online quiz that your child can work through on completion of the book.
Google Chrome is the most effective way to access Bug Club. You will need to allow pop-ups.
Each child’s username will be a collection of letters from their first name and surname.
Please enter the first 4 letters of their first name and the first 4 letters of their surname;
Example: Child's name: Poppy Brown
USERNAME: poppbrow
If your child's first name is three letters, eg: Bob, their username will be the first 3 letters and the surname's first 4 letters.
Bob Hill would have the username: bobhill
Some parents will receive an individual email with your child's username if it does not follow this pattern.
The password is the same for all children in the school:
Our school log in code is : g6l7 (it is a lower case letter L following the number 7)
To access the online reading scheme please go to
If you have any problems, please email your child's class teacher or; Lightoaks.infants@salford.gov.uk
or telephone: 0161 921 1685
Thank you.