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Culture Box - 16 February 2011

Light Oaks Infant School
Dear Parents / Carers,
The new year heralds the start of an exciting Connecting Classrooms Project that will help Light Oaks Infant School to achieve the International Schools Award and we are seeking your support. We are working with Light Oaks Junior School, the Albion High School, the Cathedral Primary School and the PRU to develop awareness of other cultures in order to promote community cohesion. Following discussions with representatives from the British Council and Mexico we are developing a special link with a school in the Veracruz area of Mexico. Our first task is to find ten objects that represent our country / culture to place in a box to send to our link school in Mexico. We want involve the whole school community in this task to enable us to find the most exciting and creative objects. The ten objects / artefacts will include five reflecting local (Salford) culture, four reflecting national culture and one object that will represent our school. Please write your ideas below and return your list of ideas to school as soon as possible (by the 21st January at the latest) because we need to send the box to Mexico by the end of January. Have fun!

1. Local object _________________________

2. Local object _________________________

3. Local object_________________________

4. Local object _________________________

5. Local object_________________________

6. National object_________________________

7. National object_________________________

8. National object_________________________

9. National object_________________________

10. School object_________________________

Child’s Name _____________________ Class __________________

Thank you for your help. We can’t wait to receive our culture box from Mexico.

Mrs. Chapman
