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Admission Arrangements

Admission Arrangements

Please read the information given below which gives details of our admission arrangements for the school.


The Standard Admission Number for the Nursery is 39 morning and 39 afternoon part time places and the Standard Admission Number for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is 90 per year. For admissions over this number parents have the right to appeal to the Local  Authority.


The Local Authority administers admittance to Nursery or Reception in September. Application forms, which are available from the LA, should be completed and returned to the LA by the beginning of January.


Arrangements are made for Open Days during the year when all who are interested in visiting the school are welcome and special arrangements are made for parents and children considering application for a Nursery or Reception place to visit school.


To find out ore about how to apply for a school place follow the weblink:


Applying for a Nursery School Place:


Applying for a Primary School Place:




