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Emotionally Friendly Schools Award





We believe in providing a holistic approach to enable all of our children to enjoy school and their formative years in Primary education. Ensuring that our children are happy and achieve emotional well-being is paramount to us, so that each child has the ability to thrive and learn.


We are proud to share that we have achieved the Bronze Award for being an Emotionally Friendly School, such is our ongoing commitment to improving our children's mental health and wellbeing. The Emotionally Friendly Schools (EFS) programme is a flexible, whole-school approach to improving children's mental health and well-being.


The accreditation was awarded by and is supported by Salford Educational Psychology Service.


The accreditation focuses on four key areas: 

1. Staff Wellbeing and School Ethos 
2. Classroom Practice 
3. Assessing Children's Needs 
4. Supporting Individual Children


For further information please contact Mrs Towers, our Learning Mentor or Salford's Educational Psychology Team.
